Boneidle Meaning in Bengali: অলস, কুঁচকানি, অলসতা, অলসপন্থা (noun, pronunciation: bohn-ahyd-l)
Definition of Boneidle
Boneidle is an adjective that describes someone who is extremely lazy or idle. It refers to a person who avoids work or any form of physical or mental exertion. This term is often used to express frustration or annoyance towards individuals who lack motivation or productivity.
Synonyms of Boneidle
1. Lazy (অলস, adjective)
2. Idle (কুঁচকানি, adjective)
3. Slothful (অলসতা, adjective)
4. Sluggish (অলসপন্থা, adjective)
Antonyms of Boneidle
1. Industrious (পরিশ্রমশীল, adjective)
2. Diligent (পরিশ্রমী, adjective)
3. Active (সক্রিয়, adjective)
4. Energetic (শক্তিশালী, adjective)
Origin of Boneidle
The term boneidle originated from the combination of two words: “bone” and “idle.” The word “bone” refers to the skeletal structure of the body, symbolizing inactivity or laziness. The word “idle” means to be without work or purpose. Together, they form the concept of extreme laziness or idleness.
Nearby Words
1. Boneless (adjective)
2. Bonfire (noun)
3. Bonhomie (noun)
4. Bonkers (adjective)
Boneidle in Literature Quotes
1. “He was boneidle, spending his days lounging on the couch.” – John Smith (সে অলস ছিল, তিনি দিনগুলি কাউচে আরাম করে কাটার জন্য ব্যয় করতেন।)
2. “Her boneidle attitude hindered her progress in life.” – Jane Doe (তার অলস আচরণ তার জীবনে অগ্রগতি বাধা দিয়েছিল।)
Boneidle Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: অলস
Hindi: आलसी
Nepali: आलसी
Urdu: سست
Tamil: ஆழ்ந்து இருக்கும்
Telugu: ఆలస్యం
Arabic: كسول
Chinese: 懒散的
Japanese: 怠惰な
Russian: ленивый
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