
Booby Meaning in Bengali: বুবি, মূর্খ, অজ্ঞ, অজ্ঞানী, অজ্ঞানীতা (noun, pronunciation: ˈbuːbi)

Definition of Booby

Booby is a noun that refers to a foolish or stupid person. It can also be used to describe someone who is easily deceived or gullible. The term is often used in a derogatory manner to mock or criticize someone’s lack of intelligence or common sense.

Synonyms of Booby

Some synonyms of booby include:

  • Dolt (মূর্খ)
  • Idiot (মূর্খ)
  • Simpleton (মূর্খ)
  • Fool (মূর্খ)
  • Nincompoop (মূর্খ)

Antonyms of Booby

Some antonyms of booby include:

  • Genius (প্রতিভাবান)
  • Intellectual (বুদ্ধিজীবী)
  • Wise (বিচক্ষণ)
  • Smart (স্মার্ট)
  • Clever (চাতুর)

Origin of Booby

The word booby originated from the Spanish word “bobo,” which means a fool or dunce. It was first recorded in English in the late 16th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to booby include:

  • Booby hatch (noun)
  • Booby prize (noun)
  • Booby trap (noun)
  • Boobyish (adjective)
  • Boobyism (noun)

Booby in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word booby:

“He was a booby in everything but his profession.” – Jonathan Swift (সে তার পেশার ব্যতিক্রম ছাড়া সব কিছুতেই মূর্খ ছিলেন।)

“The greatest booby in the world must be the man who can boast of never having been a fool.” – François de La Rochefoucauld (বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে মূর্খ মানুষ হলেও সে যে কখনও মূর্খ হয়নি বলতে পারে তার মধ্যে অবশ্যই অহঙ্কার আছে।)

Booby Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of booby in different languages:

  • Bengali: বুবি
  • Hindi: बूबी
  • Nepali: बूबी
  • Urdu: بوبی
  • Tamil: பூபி
  • Telugu: బూబీ
  • Arabic: بوبي
  • Chinese: 笨蛋
  • Japanese: ブービー
  • Russian: дурак

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