
Bombast Meaning in Bengali: বক্তৃতা, অতিরেক, অতিশয়তা, বড়বড়ানো (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bombast (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) is pronounced as /ˈbɒmbæst/. It is a term used to describe speech or writing that is pompous, exaggerated, or pretentious. It refers to language that is inflated or overblown, often used to impress or deceive others.

Synonyms of Bombast

The synonyms of bombast include grandiloquence, pomposity, verbosity, exaggeration, pretentiousness, and turgidity.

Antonyms of Bombast

The antonyms of bombast are simplicity (সরলতা), conciseness (সংক্ষেপতা), modesty (মর্যাদা), and humility (নম্রতা).

Origin of Bombast

The word “bombast” originated from the Latin word “bombax” meaning “cotton” or “stuffing.” It was used metaphorically to describe inflated language or speech that was filled with empty words or ideas.

Nearby Words

  • Bombastic (adjective)
  • Bombastically (adverb)
  • Bombaster (noun)
  • Bombastically (adverb)

Bombast in Literature Quotes

“His speech was full of bombast, but lacked substance.” – William Shakespeare (তাঁর বক্তৃতা অতিরেকপূর্ণ ছিল, কিন্তু বিষয়বস্তু ছিল না।)”

“The politician’s bombastic promises failed to convince the voters.” – George Orwell (রাজনীতিবিদের অতিরেকপূর্ণ প্রমিতিগুলি ভোটারদের বিশ্বাস জিততে ব্যর্থ হয়েছিল।)”

Bombast Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বক্তৃতা, Hindi: बड़बड़ाहट, Nepali: बडबडाहट, Urdu: بکواس, Tamil: பொம்பஸ்ட், Telugu: బాంబాస్ట్, Arabic: تبجح, Chinese: 浮夸, Japanese: 大言壮語, Russian: бомбаст.

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