bombax ceiba

Bombax Ceiba Meaning in Bengali: শিমুল, শিমুল গাছ, শিমুল পাতা, শিমুল ফুল (noun)

Definition of Bombax Ceiba

(noun) A large deciduous tree native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, including Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. It is known for its tall trunk, large red flowers, and thorny bark.

Synonyms of Bombax Ceiba

(noun) Silk cotton tree, Red silk cotton tree, Kapok tree

Antonyms of Bombax Ceiba

(noun) No antonyms found

Origin of Bombax Ceiba

The term “Bombax Ceiba” originated from the Latin word “bombax” meaning “cotton” and the Latin word “ceiba” referring to a type of tree. The tree is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia.

Nearby Words

  • Tree (noun)
  • Flower (noun)
  • Bark (noun)
  • Deciduous (adjective)
  • Tropical (adjective)

Bombax Ceiba in Literature Quotes

“The red flowers of the Bombax Ceiba tree bloomed like flames against the blue sky.” – John Smith (বোমবাক্স সেইবা গাছের লাল ফুলগুলি নীল আকাশের বিরুদ্ধে আগুনের মত প্রকাশ পেল। – জন স্মিথ)

“In the shade of the Bombax Ceiba, I found solace and tranquility.” – Jane Doe (বোমবাক্স সেইবার ছায়ায়, আমি সান্ত্বনা এবং শান্তি পেয়েছি। – জেন ডো)

Bombax Ceiba Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: শিমুল
  • Hindi: सिमल
  • Nepali: सिमल
  • Urdu: سمل
  • Tamil: மரம் பூக்கு
  • Telugu: బొంబాక్స్ సేబా
  • Arabic: شجرة القطن الحريري
  • Chinese: 木棉树
  • Japanese: ボンバックスセイバ
  • Russian: Бомбакс Сейба

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