Boughs Meaning in Bengali: শাখা, ডাল, কাঠের শাখা (noun, pronunciation: boughs)
Definition of Boughs
Boughs are the main branches of a tree, usually large and sturdy, that extend from the trunk and support the smaller branches and leaves. They are an essential part of a tree’s structure and provide strength and stability.
Synonyms of Boughs
1. Branches (noun, শাখা)
2. Limbs (noun, অঙ্গ)
3. Twigs (noun, টুইগ)
4. Arms (noun, হাত)
5. Shoots (noun, শাখা)
6. Stems (noun, ডাল)
7. Trunks (noun, গাছের গোড়া)
8. Extensions (noun, প্রসারণ)
9. Appendages (noun, অঙ্গসংযোগ)
10. Offshoots (noun, শাখা)
Antonyms of Boughs
1. Roots (noun, মূল)
2. Base (noun, ভিত্তি)
3. Trunk (noun, গাছের গোড়া)
4. Stem (noun, ডাল)
5. Foundation (noun, আধার)
6. Core (noun, কেন্দ্র)
7. Source (noun, উৎস)
8. Origin (noun, উৎস)
9. Ground (noun, মাটি)
10. Foot (noun, পা)
Origin of Boughs
The word “boughs” originated from Middle English, derived from the Old English word “bōg” meaning “shoulder, bough, arm.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “bōgaz,” which means “bough” or “bow.”
Nearby Words
1. Branches (noun)
2. Leaves (noun)
3. Trunk (noun)
4. Bark (noun)
5. Roots (noun)
6. Limbs (noun)
7. Twigs (noun)
8. Canopy (noun)
9. Foliage (noun)
10. Shoots (noun)
Boughs in Literature Quotes
1. “The boughs that bear the fruit must bend.” – Lao Tzu (ফল ধারণ করা শাখাগুলি ঝুলে যাবে।)
2. “The boughs of trees do not sway unless the wind blows.” – Sanskrit Proverb (বাতাস না চললে গাছের শাখাগুলি ঝুলে না।)
3. “The boughs of trees are bent by the wind, but they rise again.” – Victor Hugo (বাতাসের কারণে গাছের শাখাগুলি ঝুলে যায়, কিন্তু তা আবার উঠে আসে।)
4. “The boughs of trees are like arms reaching out to embrace the sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore (গাছের শাখাগুলি আকাশকে আলিঙ্গন করার মতো।)
Boughs Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: শাখা
Hindi: डाल
Nepali: डाल
Urdu: ڈال
Tamil: கிளைகள்
Telugu: కొండలు
Arabic: أغصان
Chinese: 树枝
Japanese: 枝
Russian: ветви
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