
Bourse Meaning in Bengali: বোর্স, বণিক বাজার, শেয়ার বাজার (noun, pronunciation: bɔːrs)

Definition of Bourse

Bourse refers to a stock exchange or a marketplace where securities, commodities, and other financial instruments are traded. It is a platform where buyers and sellers come together to conduct transactions related to stocks, bonds, currencies, and derivatives. The term is commonly used in the context of financial markets and is derived from the French word “bourse,” meaning purse or exchange.

Synonyms of Bourse

In Bengali, the synonyms of bourse are শেয়ার বাজারের মতো (like a stock market), বণিক বাজারের মতো (like a merchant market), সম্পদ বিনিময় কেন্দ্র (center for asset exchange).

Antonyms of Bourse

In Bengali, the antonyms of bourse are বন্ধ (closed), নিষ্ক্রিয় (inactive), নিষ্পন্ন (non-existent).

Origin of Bourse

The concept of a bourse originated in the 13th century in Bruges, Belgium. It was a meeting place for foreign merchants to exchange goods and currencies. The term “bourse” was later adopted by other European cities, including Paris, where the first formal stock exchange was established in the 17th century.

Nearby Words

  • Stock Exchange (noun) – শেয়ার বাজার
  • Marketplace (noun) – বাজারস্থল
  • Trading (noun) – বাণিজ্যিক প্রতিষ্ঠানে বিনিময়
  • Securities (noun) – নিরাপত্তা
  • Commodities (noun) – পণ্য

Bourse in Literature Quotes

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – Philip Fisher (শেয়ার বাজারটি সব কিছুর দাম জানে কিন্তু কিছুর মান জানে না।)

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” – Warren Buffett (শেয়ার বাজারটি অধীর লোকদের থেকে অধীনতা স্থাপন করার জন্য একটি যন্ত্র।)

Bourse Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বোর্স
  • Hindi: बोर्स
  • Nepali: बोर्स
  • Urdu: بورس
  • Tamil: போர்ஸ்
  • Telugu: బోర్స్
  • Arabic: بورصة
  • Chinese: 证券交易所
  • Japanese: ブルース
  • Russian: биржа

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Bourse. You can also find definitions and examples on and The Free Dictionary.