Brackets Meaning in Bengali: ব্র্যাকেট, বন্ধনী, বন্ধনচিহ্ন (noun, pronunciation: brækɪts)
Definition of Brackets
Brackets are punctuation marks used to enclose or separate words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. They are typically represented by two square brackets [ ]. Brackets are used to provide additional information, clarify meaning, or indicate an editorial comment.
Synonyms of Brackets
1. Parentheses (বন্ধনচিহ্ন)
2. Square brackets (বর্গবন্ধনী)
3. Angle brackets (কোণ বন্ধনী)
4. Curly brackets (ঘুমন্ত বন্ধনী)
Antonyms of Brackets
1. No brackets (বন্ধনী নেই)
2. Open brackets (খোলা বন্ধনী)
Origin of Brackets
The word “bracket” originated from the Old French word “braguette,” meaning “codpiece.” It was later adopted into English in the 1570s to refer to the architectural support element. The use of brackets as punctuation marks developed in the 18th century.
Nearby Words
1. Brace (noun)
2. Parenthesis (noun)
3. Quotation marks (noun)
4. Comma (noun)
Brackets in Literature Quotes
1. “Life is what happens [to us] while we are making other plans.” – Allen Saunders (জীবন হচ্ছে এমন কিছু যা আমাদের অন্য পরিকল্পনা করতে করতে ঘটে যায়।)
2. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তোমার কাজটি ভালোবাসা।)
Brackets Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: ব্র্যাকেট
Hindi: ब्रैकेट
Nepali: ब्र्याकेट
Urdu: بریکٹ
Tamil: பிராக்கெட்
Telugu: బ్రాకెట్
Arabic: قوسين
Chinese: 括号
Japanese: 角括弧
Russian: скобки
For more information about brackets, you can visit the Wikipedia page on brackets. You can also refer to and The Free Dictionary for detailed definitions and examples.