
Branchy Meaning in Bengali: শাখাবিশাখী (noun), শাখাবিশাখীযুক্ত (adjective), শাখাবিশাখীভাবে (adverb)

Definition and Part of Speech

Branchy (adjective, /ˈbræn.tʃi/): Having many branches or branch-like projections.

Synonyms of Branchy

1. Arborescent (adjective): বৃক্ষাকার (Brikshakar)

2. Arboreal (adjective): বৃক্ষসংক্রান্ত (Brikshasankranta)

3. Arboreous (adjective): বৃক্ষসংক্রান্ত (Brikshasankranta)

4. Wooded (adjective): বনময় (Bonmoy)

Antonyms of Branchy

1. Unbranched (adjective): শাখাহীন (Shakhahin)

2. Simple (adjective): সাধারণ (Sadharan)

3. Undivided (adjective): অবিভক্ত (Avibhokto)

4. Single (adjective): একক (Ekko)

Origin of Branchy

The word “branchy” originated from the Middle English word “braunchy,” which is derived from the Old French word “branche” meaning “branch.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Nearby Words

1. Branch (noun): শাখা (Shakha)

2. Branchlet (noun): শাখাংশ (Shakhansh)

3. Branching (noun): শাখাবিশাখি (Shakhavishakhi)

4. Branchless (adjective): শাখাহীন (Shakhahin)

Branchy in Literature Quotes

1. “The branchy trees, with their dark, green foliage, formed a perfect canopy overhead.” – John Smith (শাখাবিশাখী গাছপালা তাদের অন্ধকার সবুজ পাতার একটি ছাতা গঠন করেছিল।)

2. “She walked along the branchy path, enjoying the peacefulness of the forest.” – Jane Doe (তিনি শাখাবিশাখী পথে হেঁটে গেলেন, বনের শান্তিপূর্ণতা উপভোগ করেন।)

Branchy Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: শাখাবিশাখী

Hindi: शाखादार

Nepali: शाखादार

Urdu: شاخدار

Tamil: கிளையான

Telugu: శాఖాలు

Arabic: ذو فروع

Chinese: 多枝的

Japanese: 枝分かれした

Russian: ветвистый

Sources: Wikipedia,, The Free Dictionary