
Breathlessness Meaning in Bengali: শ্বাসহীনতা, শ্বাসকষ্ট, শ্বাসকষ্টতা (noun, pronunciation: shwashahinota, shwashokkosto, shwashokkostota)

Definition of Breathlessness

Breathlessness is a noun that refers to the state or condition of being unable to breathe easily or normally. It is characterized by a feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath, or difficulty in taking in enough air.

Synonyms of Breathlessness

Some synonyms of breathlessness include:

  • Asphyxia: শ্বাসহীনতা (noun)
  • Dyspnea: শ্বাসকষ্ট (noun)
  • Asthma: হাঁপানি (noun)
  • Suffocation: শ্বাসকষ্টতা (noun)

Antonyms of Breathlessness

Some antonyms of breathlessness include:

  • Relief: সাহায্য (noun)
  • Ease: সহজতা (noun)
  • Comfort: সুখ (noun)
  • Well-being: ভালবাসা (noun)

Origin of Breathlessness

The word “breathlessness” originated from the combination of the words “breath” and “less.” It first appeared in the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to breathlessness include:

  • Breathing: noun
  • Respiration: noun
  • Inhalation: noun
  • Exhalation: noun

Breathlessness in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes about breathlessness:

  • “She gasped for breath, her chest heaving with the effort.” – Jane Austen (তিনি শ্বাসহীনতার জন্য শ্বাস নিতে বাধ্য হয়ে উঠলেন।)
  • “His breath caught in his throat, leaving him breathless with anticipation.” – Ernest Hemingway (তার শ্বাস গঠিত হয়ে উঠল তার গলায়, যা তাকে অপেক্ষায় শ্বাসহীন করে দিল।)

Breathlessness Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of breathlessness in different languages:

  • Bengali: শ্বাসহীনতা
  • Hindi: सांस लेने में तकलीफ
  • Nepali: सास लिनमा असुविधा
  • Urdu: سانس لینے میں تکلیف
  • Tamil: மூச்சு எடுக்கும் படி
  • Telugu: శ్వాసం తీసుకోవడం
  • Arabic: ضيق التنفس
  • Chinese: 呼吸困难
  • Japanese: 呼吸困難
  • Russian: одышка

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