
Bribes Meaning in Bengali: ঘুষ, প্রতিপাদ্য, প্রতিদান (noun, pronunciation: bribs)

Definition of Bribes

(noun) Bribes refer to the act of giving or receiving money, gifts, or favors in order to influence the actions or decisions of someone in a position of power or authority. It is an illegal and unethical practice that undermines the principles of fairness and justice.

Synonyms of Bribes

(noun) Synonyms of bribes include corruption, kickbacks, payoffs, graft, hush money, inducement, and sweetener.

Antonyms of Bribes

(noun) Antonyms of bribes are honesty (সত্যবাদ), integrity (অখণ্ডতা), righteousness (সত্যনিষ্ঠা), and probity (সাধারণ চরিত্র).

Origin of Bribes

The word “bribes” originated from the Middle English word “bribe,” which came from the Old French word “briber” meaning “to beg” or “to rob.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Brickbat (noun) – a piece of brick used as a weapon
  • Bricklayer (noun) – a person who lays bricks
  • Brickwork (noun) – masonry made of bricks
  • Bride (noun) – a woman on her wedding day
  • Bridle (noun) – a headgear used to control a horse

Bribes in Literature Quotes

“A small bribe can ruin a great nation.” – Aesop (এসোপ) (একটি সামান্য ঘুষ একটি মহান জাতি ধ্বংস করতে পারে।)

“Bribes are the cancer of society.” – Suzy Kassem (ঘুষ সমাজের ক্যান্সার।)

Bribes Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ঘুষ
  • Hindi: रिश्वत (rishvat)
  • Nepali: घूस (ghoos)
  • Urdu: رشوت (rishwat)
  • Tamil: பொருள்கள் (porulkaḷ)
  • Telugu: రిష్వతాలు (riṣvatālu)
  • Arabic: رشوة (rushwa)
  • Chinese: 贿赂 (huìlù)
  • Japanese: 賄賂 (wairo)
  • Russian: взятка (vzyatka)

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