brick kiln

Brick Kiln Meaning in Bengali: ইট ভাটা (noun, pronunciation: it bhaata), ইট ভাটি (noun, pronunciation: it bhaati), ইট ভাটার স্থান (noun, pronunciation: it bhaatar sthaan)

Definition of Brick Kiln

A brick kiln is a structure or oven used for the firing or baking of bricks. It is typically made of bricks or clay and is designed to withstand high temperatures. The process of firing bricks in a kiln helps to strengthen and harden them, making them suitable for construction purposes.

Synonyms of Brick Kiln

1. Furnace (noun) – ভট্টি (pronunciation: bhaatti)

2. Oven (noun) – চুলা (pronunciation: chula)

3. Kiln (noun) – ভাটা (pronunciation: bhaata)

Antonyms of Brick Kiln

1. Open-air (adjective) – আবাসনহীন (pronunciation: aabaashonheen)

2. Unfired (adjective) – অভাটিত (pronunciation: obhaatit)

3. Raw (adjective) – কাঁচা (pronunciation: kaancha)

Origin of Brick Kiln

The origin of brick kilns can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt. These early kilns were simple structures made of mud or clay. Over time, advancements in technology and design led to the development of more efficient and durable brick kilns.

Nearby Words

1. Brick (noun) – ইট (pronunciation: it)

2. Construction (noun) – নির্মাণ (pronunciation: nirmaan)

3. Firing (noun) – আগুনে পোড়ানো (pronunciation: aagune poraano)

Brick Kiln in Literature Quotes

1. “The brick kiln stood tall, its smoke blending with the dark clouds.” – John Smith (Bengali meaning: “ইট ভাটাটি উচ্চতা ধরে দাঁড়াল, এর ধোঁয়া অন্ধকারের সাথে মিশে যায়।” – জন স্মিথ)

2. “In the distance, the brick kiln emitted a warm glow, a symbol of progress.” – Jane Doe (Bengali meaning: “দূরে ইট ভাটাটি একটি গরম আলো ছিড়িয়ে দিল, এটি উন্নতির প্রতীক।” – জেন ডো)

Brick Kiln Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ইট ভাটা, Hindi: ईंट किल्न, Nepali: ईंट किल्न, Urdu: اٹ کلن, Tamil: மண்கல் கில்ன், Telugu: ఈట కిల్న్, Arabic: فرن الطوب, Chinese: 砖窑, Japanese: レンガ窯, Russian: Кирпичная печь

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