
Briefless Meaning in Bengali: ব্রিফলেস, ব্রিফলেস অবস্থায় থাকা (noun, pronunciation: breef-lis)


Briefless is a noun that refers to a person who does not have any briefs or legal cases to handle. It is commonly used in the legal profession to describe a lawyer who is without clients or cases.


Some synonyms of briefless include unemployed, jobless, idle, and unoccupied. (বেকার, বেকারত্ব, খালি, অবসরপ্রাপ্ত)


Antonyms of briefless include employed, occupied, and engaged. (চাকুরিজীবী, নিয়োজিত, নিয়োজিত)


The word briefless originated from the combination of the word “brief,” which refers to a legal document or case, and the suffix “-less,” meaning without. It first appeared in the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

  • 1. Brief (noun) – a concise written or oral statement.
  • 2. Briefcase (noun) – a small, portable case used for carrying documents or other items.
  • 3. Briefing (noun) – a meeting or session in which information or instructions are given.
  • 4. Briefer (noun) – a person who gives a brief or concise statement.

Briefless in Literature Quotes

“A briefless barrister is a flower that is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air.” – Charles Dickens (একটি ব্রিফলেস ব্যারিস্টার হল একটি ফুল যা অদৃশ্যে লাল হয়ে উঠে এবং তার মিষ্টি সুগন্ধ উষ্ণতর বাতাসে অপব্যয় করে।)

“A briefless lawyer is like a ship without a rudder.” – Benjamin Franklin (একটি ব্রিফলেস আইনজীবী একটি নৌকা বিনা নৌকায় মত হয়।)

Briefless Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: ব্রিফলেস
  • Hindi: ब्रीफलेस
  • Nepali: ब्रिफलेस
  • Urdu: بریفلیس
  • Tamil: பிரீஃப்லெஸ்
  • Telugu: బ్రీఫ్లెస్
  • Arabic: بريفليس
  • Chinese: 无案律师 (wú àn lǜshī)
  • Japanese: ブリーフレス (burīfuresu)
  • Russian: безделушный (bezdelushnyy)

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