bring to light

Bring to Light Meaning in Bengali: আলোকিত করা, প্রকাশ করা, প্রকাশ করা (verb, pronunciation: bring to light)

Definition of Bring to Light

Bring to light is a phrasal verb that means to reveal or make something known or visible, especially something that was previously hidden, secret, or unknown.

Synonyms of Bring to Light

Some synonyms of bring to light are uncover, disclose, expose, unveil, reveal, and discover.

Antonyms of Bring to Light

Some antonyms of bring to light are hide, conceal, cover, suppress, and bury.

Bengali meanings of antonyms: লুকান, গোপন করা, আবৃত করা, দমন করা, মাটিতে মেশানো (verb)

Origin of Bring to Light

The phrase bring to light originated from the combination of the words “bring” and “light.” The word “bring” comes from the Old English word “bringan,” meaning “to carry” or “to bring,” while “light” comes from the Old English word “leoht,” meaning “brightness” or “illumination.”

Nearby Words

  • Bring (verb)
  • To (preposition)
  • Light (noun)

Bring to Light in Literature Quotes

“The truth will bring to light the things that are hidden.” – William Shakespeare

Bengali meaning: “সত্য গোপন থাকা বস্তুগুলি প্রকাশ করবে।” – উইলিয়াম শেক্সপীয়র

Bring to Light Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: আলোকিত করা
  • Hindi: प्रकाशित करना
  • Nepali: प्रकाशित गर्नुहोस्
  • Urdu: روشنی میں لانا
  • Tamil: ஒளியில் கொண்டு வாங்குகிறேன்
  • Telugu: ప్రకాశంలో తీసుకోవడం
  • Arabic: إظهار الحقيقة
  • Chinese: 揭示
  • Japanese: 光を当てる
  • Russian: привести к свету

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