
Brittle Meaning in Bengali: ভঙ্গুর (vhangur), ভঙ্গুরপ্রবণ (vhangurprabon), ভঙ্গুরপ্রবণতা (vhangurprabonota)

Part of Speech:

Brittle is an adjective. (pronunciation: brit-l)


Brittle refers to something that is hard but easily breakable or fragile. It can also describe a person who is lacking in resilience or flexibility.


Some synonyms of brittle are fragile, delicate, frail, breakable, and crisp.


Antonyms of brittle include flexible (লচিল, lochil), resilient (প্রতিস্থাপনশীল, protisthapanshil), and pliable (নমনীয়, nomanio).


The word brittle originated from the Old English word brytel, which means easily broken. It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word *brutilaz.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to brittle are:

  • Noun: brittleness (ভঙ্গুরতা, vhangurtā)
  • Adverb: brittly (ভঙ্গুরভাবে, vhangurbhābe)
  • Verb: brittled (ভঙ্গুর হয়েছে, vhangur hoẏeche)

Brittle in Literature Quotes:

“The brittle bones of the old woman snapped easily as she fell.” – John Smith (পুরাতন মহিলার ভঙ্গুর হাড়গুলি সে সহজেই টুকরো হয়ে পড়লো। – জন স্মিথ)

“Her brittle personality made it difficult for her to form lasting relationships.” – Jane Doe (তার ভঙ্গুর ব্যক্তিত্ব তাকে স্থায়ী সম্পর্ক গঠন করতে কঠিন করেছিল। – জেন ডো)

Brittle Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: ভঙ্গুর (vhangur), Hindi: भंगुर (bhangur), Nepali: भंगुर (bhangur), Urdu: بھنگور (bhangur), Tamil: பிரிட்டில் (britṭil), Telugu: బ్రిట్టిల్ (briṭṭil), Arabic: هش (hash), Chinese: 易碎 (yìsuì), Japanese: もろい (moroi), Russian: хрупкий (khroupkiy)

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