
Broadbeans Meaning in Bengali: শিম, শিম বীজ (noun, /ʃɪm, ʃɪm biːʒ/), বিন্দুবীজ (noun, /bɪndubij/), বিন্দুবীজের গাছ (noun, /bɪndubijer gaʈʰ/)


Broadbeans are a type of legume that belongs to the Fabaceae family. They are also known as fava beans or field beans. These beans are large, flat, and green in color. They have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Broadbeans are commonly used in various cuisines around the world.


Some synonyms of broadbeans include:

  • Fava beans (ফাভা বিন্স, noun)
  • Field beans (ফিল্ড বিন্স, noun)
  • Horse beans (হর্স বিন্স, noun)


Antonyms of broadbeans include:

  • Peas (মটরশুঁটি, noun)
  • Lentils (মসুর ডাল, noun)
  • Chickpeas (ছোলা ডাল, noun)


Broadbeans are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. They have been cultivated for thousands of years and are one of the oldest known cultivated plants. Broadbeans were widely grown in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. They were later introduced to other parts of Europe and eventually spread to other continents.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to broadbeans include:

  • Legume (noun) – শিমবীজের গাছ
  • Pod (noun) – শিমের কাপড়
  • Green (adjective) – সবুজ
  • Vegetable (noun) – সবজি

Broadbeans in Literature Quotes

“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” – T.S. Eliot (আমি আমার জীবনকে কফির চামচের সাহায্যে মাপে নিয়েছি।)

“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” – William Shakespeare (থাকবো কি না থাকবো, এটা হলো প্রশ্ন।)

Broadbeans Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: শিম, Hindi: बारबाटी, Nepali: बारबाटी, Urdu: بارباٹی, Tamil: பட்டாணி, Telugu: బీన్స్, Arabic: فاصوليا, Chinese: 蚕豆, Japanese: 蚕豆, Russian: Бобы

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