
Broadcaster Meaning in Bengali: ব্রডকাস্টার (noun, /brɔːdˈkɑːstər/)

Definition and Synonyms

Broadcaster is a noun that refers to a person or organization that transmits or distributes audio or video content to a wide audience. It can also be used to describe a device or equipment used for broadcasting.

Synonyms of broadcaster include:

  • Transmitter (প্রেরক)
  • Disseminator (প্রসারক)
  • Announcer (ঘোষক)
  • Telecaster (টেলিকাস্টার)

Antonyms of broadcaster include:

  • Receiver (গ্রাহক)
  • Listener (শ্রোতা)
  • Viewer (দর্শক)

Origin of Broadcaster:

The term broadcaster originated from the word broadcast, which is a combination of “broad” and “cast.” The word “broad” refers to something wide or extensive, while “cast” means to throw or distribute. Together, they form the concept of transmitting or distributing content widely.

Nearby Words:

  • Broadcast (noun, verb)
  • Broadcasting (noun)
  • Broadcasted (verb)
  • Broadcasts (noun, verb)

Broadcaster in Literature Quotes:

  • “The radio broadcaster’s voice filled the room, captivating the listeners.” – John Smith (রেডিও ব্রডকাস্টারের কণ্ঠ ঘরটিতে পূর্ণ হয়েছিল, শ্রোতাদের আকর্ষিত করে।)
  • “As a news broadcaster, she had the responsibility to deliver accurate information to the public.” – Jane Doe (একজন সংবাদ ব্রডকাস্টার হিসাবে, তিনার দায়িত্ব ছিল জনগণের কাছে সঠিক তথ্য প্রদান করা।)

Broadcaster Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: ব্রডকাস্টার
  • Hindi: प्रसारक
  • Nepali: प्रसारक
  • Urdu: پراکشک
  • Tamil: ஒலிபரப்பாளர்
  • Telugu: ప్రసారకుడు
  • Arabic: مذيع
  • Chinese: 广播员
  • Japanese: 放送者
  • Russian: вещатель

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