Brown Eyes Meaning in Bengali: বাদামী চোখের অর্থ (noun, /ˈbraʊn aɪz/)
Definition of Brown Eyes
Brown eyes refer to the eye color that ranges from medium to dark brown. It is the most common eye color worldwide, and it is caused by a higher concentration of melanin in the iris. Brown eyes are often associated with warmth, earthiness, and reliability.
Synonyms of Brown Eyes
1. Hazel Eyes – হেজেল চোখ (noun)
2. Chestnut Eyes – কাঠ বাদামী চোখ (noun)
3. Coffee Eyes – কফি রঙের চোখ (noun)
Antonyms of Brown Eyes
1. Blue Eyes – নীল চোখ (noun)
2. Green Eyes – সবুজ চোখ (noun)
Origin of Brown Eyes
The origin of brown eyes can be traced back to genetic variations. It is believed that all humans originally had brown eyes, and the variation in eye color occurred due to genetic mutations over time. The presence of a specific gene called OCA2 determines the amount of melanin in the iris, resulting in different eye colors.
Nearby Words
1. Brown – adjective
2. Eye – noun
Brown Eyes in Literature Quotes
1. “Her brown eyes were like pools of warmth, inviting me to dive into her soul.” – John Smith (তার বাদামী চোখ একটি তাপময় পুকুরের মতো ছিল, আমাকে তার আত্মায় ডাইভ করার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানাচ্ছিলেন)
2. “In her brown eyes, I found solace and a reflection of my own desires.” – Jane Doe (তার বাদামী চোখে, আমি সান্ত্বনা এবং আমার নিজের ইচ্ছার প্রতিফলন পেয়েছি)
Brown Eyes Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বাদামী চোখ
Hindi: भूरी आंखें
Nepali: खैरो आँखा
Urdu: براؤن آنکھیں
Tamil: பழுத்த கண்கள்
Telugu: బ్రౌన్ కళ్ళు
Arabic: عيون بنية
Chinese: 棕色的眼睛
Japanese: 茶色の目
Russian: карие глаза
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