
Bruit Meaning in Bengali: শব্দবিদ্যা, শব্দবিদ্যার মাধ্যমে প্রচারিত করা (noun, verb, pronunciation: broo-it)

Definition of Bruit

Bruit is a noun and a verb that refers to a rumor or a report, especially one that is widely circulated. It can also mean to spread news or reports widely.

Synonyms of Bruit

Some synonyms of bruit are:

  • rumor (অপবাদ)
  • gossip (অপবাদ)
  • report (প্রতিবেদন)
  • news (খবর)
  • whisper (ফুসফুসে কথা বলা)

Antonyms of Bruit

Some antonyms of bruit are:

  • conceal (গোপন করা)
  • suppress (দমন করা)
  • hide (লুকান)
  • withhold (বাধা দেওয়া)
  • keep secret (গোপন রাখা)

Origin of Bruit

The word bruit originated from the Old French word bruit, which means “noise” or “rumor.” It entered the English language in the late 15th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to bruit are:

  • bruiser (noun)
  • bruise (verb)
  • brumal (adjective)
  • brume (noun)
  • brumby (noun)

Bruit in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word bruit:

  • “The bruit of the city came to them dully.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (শহরের শব্দ তাদের ধীরে পৌঁছে আসলো।)
  • “The bruit of the waves lulled her to sleep.” – Virginia Woolf (তরঙ্গের শব্দ তাকে ঘুমে পৌঁছে দিলো।)

Bruit Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of bruit in different languages are:

  • Bengali: শব্দবিদ্যা
  • Hindi: अफवाह
  • Nepali: अफवाह
  • Urdu: افواہ
  • Tamil: புரட்சி
  • Telugu: అఫవాహ్
  • Arabic: شائعة
  • Chinese: 谣言
  • Japanese: うわさ
  • Russian: слух

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