Bullying Meaning in Bengali: বাংলা অর্থঃ অত্যাচার, প্রতারণা, বলপ্রয়োগ (noun, pronunciation: /ˈbʊliɪŋ/)
Definition of Bullying
Bullying is a noun that refers to the act of using force, threat, or coercion to intimidate, dominate, or harm someone who is perceived as weaker or vulnerable. It involves repetitive aggressive behavior and can occur in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, or online platforms.
Bullying Synonyms
1. Harassment (হয়রানি, noun)
2. Intimidation (ভয় দেখানো, noun)
3. Oppression (অত্যাচার, noun)
4. Persecution (অত্যাচার, noun)
5. Tyranny (স্বৈরত্ব, noun)
Bullying Antonyms
1. Kindness (দয়া, noun)
2. Compassion (দয়া, noun)
3. Empathy (সহানুভূতি, noun)
4. Support (সমর্থন, noun)
5. Respect (সম্মান, noun)
Origin of Bullying
The word “bullying” originated from the Dutch word “boel,” which means “lover” or “brother.” Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include negative connotations associated with aggression and dominance.
Nearby Words
1. Bully (noun) – a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
2. Bully (verb) – to use superior strength or influence to intimidate someone.
3. Bullyboy (noun) – a person who behaves aggressively or forcefully.
4. Bullyrag (verb) – to subject someone to persistent criticism or abuse.
5. Bully pulpit (noun) – a position of authority or influence that allows one to speak out and be listened to.
Bullying in Literature Quotes
1. “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” – Michael J. Fox (একজনের গর্ব আক্রান্ত করা হতে পারে, ধ্বংস করা হতে পারে এবং ক্রুড়লি উপহাস করা হতে পারে, কিন্তু যত্ন না নেয়া হলে তা কখনও ছিনতাই হয় না।)
2. “Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” – Benjamin Disraeli (সাহস আগুন, এবং অত্যাচার ধোঁয়া।)
Bullying Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: অত্যাচার
Hindi: बुलींग
Nepali: बुलींग
Urdu: بلیئنگ
Tamil: புலியங்கு
Telugu: బుల్లింగ్
Arabic: التنمر
Chinese: 欺凌
Japanese: いじめ
Russian: запугивание
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