
Buncombe Meaning in Bengali: বাক্যবদ্ধতা, অসত্যতা, মিথ্যাবাদ, বাক্যবদ্ধতার অভাব (noun, pronunciation: buhn-kuhm)

Definition of Buncombe

Buncombe, also spelled bunkum, is a noun that refers to insincere or empty talk, often used to deceive or impress others. It can also mean nonsense or meaningless words.

Synonyms of Buncombe

1. Nonsense – বাক্যবদ্ধতা (noun)
2. Balderdash – বাক্যবদ্ধতা (noun)
3. Gibberish – অসত্যতা (noun)
4. Drivel – বাক্যবদ্ধতা (noun)

Antonyms of Buncombe

1. Truth – সত্য (noun)
2. Authenticity – সত্যতা (noun)
3. Honesty – সত্যতা (noun)
4. Sincerity – সত্যতা (noun)

Origin of Buncombe

The term “buncombe” originated from the name of a county in North Carolina, Buncombe County. In the early 19th century, a congressman from this county, Felix Walker, delivered a long and irrelevant speech in the House of Representatives. His speech was filled with meaningless words and had no relevance to the topic at hand. This incident led to the term “buncombe” being used to describe empty or insincere talk.

Nearby Words

1. Bunk – noun
2. Bunkum – noun
3. Bunkhouse – noun
4. Bunkmate – noun

Buncombe in Literature Quotes

1. “He was tired of the buncombe and empty promises of politicians.” – Mark Twain (তিনি রাজনীতিবিদের বাক্যবদ্ধতা এবং খালি প্রমিতিগুলির থাকাকে বিরক্ত ছিলেন।)
2. “The novel exposed the buncombe of society’s upper class.” – Jane Austen (উপন্যাসটি সমাজের উচ্চ শ্রেণীর বাক্যবদ্ধতা উজ্জ্বল করেছিল।)

Buncombe Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাক্যবদ্ধতা, Hindi: बकवास, Nepali: बकवास, Urdu: بکواس, Tamil: மூடப்பட்ட பேச்சு, Telugu: బకవాదం, Arabic: هراء, Chinese: 胡言乱语, Japanese: たわごと, Russian: бессмыслица

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