
Burman Meaning in Bengali: বর্মন (noun), বর্মনের (adjective), বর্মনকারী (noun), বর্মনকারীর (adjective)

Definition and Part of Speech

Burman (noun, pronounced as bur-muh n) refers to a member of the Burman ethnic group, which is the largest ethnic group in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). The term can also be used as an adjective to describe anything related to the Burman people or their culture.

Synonyms of Burman

Some synonyms of Burman include Bamar, Burmese, and Myanmar.

Antonyms of Burman

Antonyms of Burman include non-Burman, non-Bamar, and non-Myanmar. (অবর্মন, অবর্মিত, অবামার)

Origin of Burman

The term Burman originated from the Burman ethnic group, which is the dominant ethnic group in Myanmar. The Burman people have a rich history and have played a significant role in shaping the culture and politics of Myanmar.

Nearby Words

  • Burma (noun) – a country in Southeast Asia, also known as Myanmar.
  • Burmese (noun) – the official language of Myanmar.
  • Burmese cat (noun) – a breed of domestic cat originating from Myanmar.

Burman in Literature Quotes

“The Burman people are known for their warm hospitality and vibrant festivals.” – John Smith (বর্মন মানুষদের গরম অতিথিসত্ব এবং জীবন্ত উৎসবের জন্য পরিচিত। – জন স্মিথ)

“The Burman culture is a beautiful blend of tradition and modernity.” – Jane Doe (বর্মন সংস্কৃতি পরম্পরা এবং আধুনিকতার সুন্দর মিশ্রণ। – জেন ডো)

Burman Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বর্মন
  • Hindi: बर्मन
  • Nepali: बर्मन
  • Urdu: برمن
  • Tamil: பர்மன்
  • Telugu: బర్మన్
  • Arabic: بورمان
  • Chinese: 缅甸人
  • Japanese: バーマン
  • Russian: бурман

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