
Burs Meaning in Bengali: বার্স, কাঁটার মতো কঠিন পদার্থ, কাঁটার মতো কঠিন পদার্থ (noun, pronunciation: burs)

Definition of Burs

Burs refers to a hard, prickly seed case or pod that is covered in sharp spines or hooks. It is typically found in plants and can attach itself to clothing or animal fur, aiding in seed dispersal. Burs are often difficult to remove due to their hooked structure.

Synonyms of Burs

Some synonyms of burs include:

  • Thorn
  • Spine
  • Prickle
  • Barb

Antonyms of Burs

Antonyms of burs include:

  • Smooth (মসৃণ)
  • Soft (নরম)
  • Gentle (মৃদু)
  • Tender (কোমল)

Origin of Burs

The word “burs” originated from the Middle English word “burre,” which is derived from the Old English word “byrst” meaning “bristle.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “burstiz.” The use of burs in plants for seed dispersal has been observed for centuries.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to burs include:

  • Thistle (noun)
  • Prickle (noun)
  • Spine (noun)
  • Thorn (noun)

Burs in Literature Quotes

“The burs stuck to my clothes as I walked through the field.” – John Smith (আমি ক্ষেতে হেঁটে যাওয়ার সময় বার্স আমার পোশাকে চিপকে যায়।)

“He brushed off the burs from his jacket.” – Jane Doe (তিনি তাঁর জ্যাকেট থেকে বার্স সরিয়ে ফেললেন।)

Burs Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বার্স, Hindi: कंटी, Nepali: बुर्स, Urdu: کانٹا, Tamil: முள்ளு, Telugu: ముల్లు, Arabic: البرص, Chinese: 刺, Japanese: 針, Russian: шип.

For more information on burs, you can visit Wikipedia.org, Dictionary.com, or TheFreeDictionary.com.