bus driver

Bus Driver Meaning in Bengali: বাস চালক (noun), বাস চালকের (adjective)

Definition and Part of Speech

Bus driver (noun, /bʌs ˈdraɪvər/) refers to a person who operates a bus and is responsible for driving passengers to their destinations safely and efficiently.

Synonyms of Bus Driver

1. Motorist (noun, মোটরচালক)
2. Chauffeur (noun, চফার)
3. Coachman (noun, কোচ চালক)
4. Pilot (noun, পাইলট)
5. Conductor (noun, কন্ডাক্টর)

Antonyms of Bus Driver

1. Passenger (noun, যাত্রী)
2. Pedestrian (noun, পথচারী)

Origin of Bus Driver

The term “bus driver” originated from the combination of the words “bus” and “driver.” The word “bus” refers to a large motor vehicle used for carrying passengers, while “driver” refers to a person who operates a vehicle. The concept of a bus driver emerged with the development of public transportation systems.

Nearby Words

1. Bus stop (noun, বাস থামার স্থান)
2. Bus terminal (noun, বাস টার্মিনাল)
3. Bus route (noun, বাস মার্গ)
4. Bus fare (noun, বাস ভাড়া)
5. Bus depot (noun, বাস ডিপো)

Bus Driver in Literature Quotes

1. “The bus driver smiled kindly as he helped the elderly lady onto the bus.” – John Smith (বাস চালকটি দয়ালুভাবে হাসলেন যখন তিনি বৃদ্ধ মহিলাকে বাসে উঠানোর সাহায্য করলেন।)
2. “The bus driver’s skillful maneuvering through the busy streets impressed everyone on board.” – Jane Doe (বাস চালকের দক্ষ চালনা ব্যস্ত রাস্তাগুলিতে সবাইকে আকর্ষিত করেছিল।)

Bus Driver Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাস চালক
Hindi: बस चालक
Nepali: बस चालक
Urdu: بس ڈرائیور
Tamil: பேருவான் வண்டி
Telugu: బస్ డ్రైవర్
Arabic: سائق الحافلة
Chinese: 公交车司机
Japanese: バスの運転手
Russian: водитель автобуса

For more information on bus drivers, you can visit the following sources:

1. Wikipedia.org
2. Dictionary.com
3. TheFreeDictionary.com