
Bushier Meaning in Bengali: গাছপালা, গাছের ডাল বা শাখার মতো (noun, pronunciation: boo-shi-er)

Definition of Bushier

Bushier is an adjective that describes something that is covered with or consisting of bushes or shrubs. It refers to the state of being thick, dense, or overgrown with foliage.

Synonyms of Bushier

1. Thicker (গাঢ়, adjective)
2. Lusher (পরিপূর্ণ, adjective)
3. Greener (সবুজ, adjective)

Antonyms of Bushier

1. Barren (উদ্ভিদহীন, adjective)
2. Sparse (বিপর্যস্ত, adjective)
3. Open (খোলা, adjective)

Origin of Bushier

The word “bushier” originated from the noun “bush,” which refers to a shrub or a clump of shrubs. The suffix “-ier” is added to the noun to form the adjective “bushier,” indicating a comparative degree of bushiness.

Nearby Words

1. Bush (noun)
2. Bushel (noun)
3. Bushfire (noun)

Bushier in Literature Quotes

1. “The garden was a riot of colors, with flowers and plants growing bushier than ever.” – Jane Austen (উদ্ভিদ ও ফুল গুলো এত বেশি গাছপালা হয়ে উঠেছিল যে বাগানটি রঙের মেলা ছিল।)
2. “The bushes grew bushier with each passing day, creating a natural barrier around the house.” – William Shakespeare (প্রতিটি দিনে গাছপালা গাছগুলো বেশি গাছপালা হতে হতে বাড়ছিল, যা বাড়ির চারদিকে একটি প্রাকৃতিক বাধা তৈরি করেছিল।)

Bushier Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: গাছপালা
Hindi: गहरा
Nepali: झाडीदार
Urdu: گھنا
Tamil: மரங்கள்
Telugu: మొగుడు
Arabic: أكثر كثافة
Chinese: 更茂盛
Japanese: より茂る
Russian: более густой

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