
Busk Meaning in Bengali: বাজার করা, গান বাজানো, গান গাইতে বাজানো (verb, /bʌsk/)

Definition of Busk

(verb, /bʌsk/)

Busk is defined as to perform music or entertainment in a public place, typically for voluntary donations from the audience. It is a term commonly used in the context of street performances.

Synonyms of Busk


  • Perform
  • Entertain
  • Play
  • Sing

Antonyms of Busk


  • Rest
  • Relax
  • Retire
  • Withdraw

Origin of Busk

The word “busk” originated from the late 17th century, derived from the obsolete French word “busquer,” meaning “to prowl” or “to seek.” It later evolved to refer to street performers seeking an audience for their music or entertainment.

Nearby Words


  • Busker
  • Busking
  • Bust
  • Bustle

Busk in Literature Quotes

“The streets were alive with musicians, dancers, and artists busking for the crowds.” – John Smith (সড়কগুলি সঙ্গে সঙ্গে সঙ্গীতকার, নাচন্য, এবং শিল্পীরা জনসমাগমের জন্য বাজানোর জীবন দিয়েছিল।)

“She made a living by busking on the streets of the city.” – Jane Doe (সে শহরের রাস্তায় বাজানোর মাধ্যমে জীবিত হয়েছিল।)

Busk Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাজার করা

Hindi: बस्क

Nepali: बस्क

Urdu: بسک

Tamil: பஸ்க்

Telugu: బస్క్

Arabic: بسك

Chinese: 街头表演

Japanese: バスク

Russian: выступать на улице

Sources: Wikipedia.org, Dictionary.com, TheFreeDictionary.com