Bustle Meaning in Bengali: গতিবিধিমূলকতা, উত্তেজনা, বিপণ্য বিক্রয়ের জন্য গতিবিধিমূলকতা (noun, /ˈbʌsəl/)
Definition and Synonyms of Bustle
Bustle is a noun that refers to a noisy and energetic activity, often associated with a lot of movement and commotion. It can also mean a framework worn under a skirt to puff it out at the back. Synonyms of bustle include hustle, commotion, flurry, activity, and agitation.
Antonyms of Bustle
The antonyms of bustle are calmness (শান্তি) and tranquility (শান্তিপূর্ণতা).
Origin of Bustle
The word “bustle” originated in the late 16th century from the Middle English word “bustelen,” which means to move noisily or energetically. It is related to the Dutch word “bustelen,” meaning to hustle or hurry.
Nearby Words
- Busy (adjective) – ব্যস্ত
- Bustling (adjective) – গতিবিধিমূলক
- Bustler (noun) – গতিবিধিমূলক ব্যক্তি
- Bustled (verb) – গতিবিধিমূলকভাবে চলা
Bustle in Literature Quotes
“The bustle in a house, the morning after death, is solemnest of industries enacted upon earth.” – Emily Dickinson (একটি বাড়িতে মৃত্যুর পরে সকালের উদ্যোগটি পৃথিবীতে সবচেয়ে গভীরভাবে অনুষ্ঠিত কাজ।)
“The bustle and the effort of the day ceased.” – Virginia Woolf (দিনের গতিবিধি এবং প্রচেষ্টা বন্ধ হয়ে গেল।)
Bustle Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: গতিবিধিমূলকতা
Hindi: गतिमयता
Nepali: गतिबिधि
Urdu: ہنگامہ
Tamil: செயல்பாடு
Telugu: గతివిధి
Arabic: صخب
Chinese: 喧闹
Japanese: 騒ぎ
Russian: суета
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