Bengali Meaning of Buskin: বাস্কিন (noun), বাস্কিনের মতো (adjective)
Definition and Part of Speech
Buskin (noun, pronounced as buhs-kin) refers to a type of boot that reaches halfway up the leg, typically made of leather or cloth. It is often worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedies to symbolize tragedy and elevated status.
Synonyms of Buskin
1. Tragedy (বিপদ, noun)
2. Drama (প্রহর, noun)
3. Melodrama (মেলোড্রামা, noun)
Antonyms of Buskin
1. Comedy (হাস্য, noun)
2. Farce (হাস্যপূর্ণ নাটক, noun)
3. Satire (বিদ্রূপ, noun)
Origin of Buskin
The word “buskin” originated from the Latin word “cothurnus” and the Greek word “kothornos.” It was first used in English in the early 17th century.
Nearby Words
1. Tragedy (noun)
2. Drama (noun)
3. Melodrama (noun)
Buskin in Literature Quotes
1. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare (সমস্ত পৃথিবী একটি মঞ্চ, এবং সমস্ত পুরুষ ও মহিলা কেবলমাত্র অভিনেতা।)
2. “The play’s the thing.” – William Shakespeare (নাটকই মূল বিষয়।)
Buskin Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বাস্কিন
Hindi: बस्किन
Nepali: बस्किन
Urdu: بسکن
Tamil: பஸ்கின்
Telugu: బస్కిన్
Arabic: بوسكين
Chinese: 高筒靴
Japanese: バスキン
Russian: бускин
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