Bust-up Meaning in Bengali: বিবাদ, ঝগড়া, বিতর্ক, বিবাদজনক (noun, pronunciation: bust-up)
Definition of Bust-up
Bust-up refers to a quarrel, disagreement, or argument between two or more people. It is a noun and pronounced as “bust-up”.
Synonyms of Bust-up
Some synonyms of bust-up include dispute, altercation, clash, conflict, confrontation, and disagreement. (Bengali: বিবাদ, ঝগড়া, বিতর্ক, বিবাদজনক)
Antonyms of Bust-up
Antonyms of bust-up include agreement, harmony, concord, unity, and accord. (Bengali: সম্মতি, সাদৃশ্য, সঙ্গতি, ঐক্য, সম্মতি)
Origin of Bust-up
The exact origin of the term bust-up is uncertain. It is believed to have originated in the early 19th century, possibly derived from the phrase “bust a gut,” which means to make a great effort or strain oneself.
Nearby Words
- 1. Bust (noun) – a sculpture depicting a person’s head, shoulders, and upper chest.
- 2. Bust (verb) – to break, split, or damage something.
- 3. Bustle (noun) – a commotion or noisy activity.
- 4. Bustle (verb) – to move in a busy or hurried manner.
Bust-up in Literature Quotes
“The bust-up between the two friends left them estranged for years.” – Jane Austen (Bengali: “দুজন বন্ধুর মধ্যে বিবাদ দেওয়া তাদের বছরের জন্য পৃথক করে দিল।”)
“Their heated bust-up echoed through the empty halls.” – William Shakespeare (Bengali: “তাদের উষ্ণ বিবাদ খালি কর্মশালায় প্রতিধ্বনিত হয়েছিল।”)
Bust-up Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: বিবাদ
- Hindi: झगड़ा
- Nepali: झगडा
- Urdu: تنازعہ
- Tamil: போராட்டம்
- Telugu: పోరాటం
- Arabic: خلاف
- Chinese: 争吵
- Japanese: 口論
- Russian: ссора
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