
Cabbage Meaning in Bengali: বাঁধাকপি, পাতগাছ, গোবিন্দবাজি, গোবিন্দবাজি শাক (noun, pronunciation: /ˈkæbɪdʒ/)

Definition of Cabbage

Cabbage is a noun that refers to a leafy green or purple biennial plant, Brassica oleracea, grown as a vegetable. It has a round or oval-shaped head consisting of thick, overlapping leaves. Cabbage is widely cultivated for its edible leaves, which are commonly used in various cuisines.

Synonyms of Cabbage

1. Colewort (কোলকপি) – noun
2. Kraut (ক্রাউট) – noun
3. Brassica (ব্রাসিকা) – noun
4. Savoy (স্যাভয়) – noun
5. Red Cabbage (রেড ক্যাবেজ) – noun

Antonyms of Cabbage

1. Lettuce (লেটিস) – noun
2. Spinach (পালং শাক) – noun
3. Kale (কেল) – noun
4. Swiss Chard (সুইস চার্ড) – noun
5. Bok Choy (বক চয়) – noun

Origin of Cabbage

The word “cabbage” originated from the Middle English word “cabage,” which came from the Old French word “caboche.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “caput,” meaning “head.” Cabbage has been cultivated for thousands of years and is believed to have originated in Europe before spreading to other parts of the world.

Nearby Words

1. Cauliflower (noun) – a vegetable derived from the same species as cabbage, with a large, edible head of crowded white flower buds.
2. Broccoli (noun) – a cabbage of a variety similar to the cauliflower, bearing heads of green or purplish flower buds.
3. Brussels Sprouts (noun) – a vegetable consisting of the small compact bud-like growths along the stalk of a variety of cabbage.
4. Kale (noun) – a hardy cabbage of a variety that produces erect stems with large leaves and no compact head.
5. Lettuce (noun) – a cultivated plant of the daisy family, with edible leaves that are eaten in salads.

Cabbage in Literature Quotes

1. “I know my roots are showing, but I’m not a complete cabbage.” – Jane Horrocks (আমি জানি আমার মূল দেখাচ্ছে, কিন্তু আমি একটি পূর্ণ বাঁধাকপি নই।)
2. “I’m not a cabbage, I’m a human being!” – Terry Pratchett (আমি একটি বাঁধাকপি নই, আমি একটি মানব হয়েছি!)

Cabbage Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাঁধাকপি (bāndhākapi)
Hindi: गोभी (gobhi)
Nepali: बन्दागोबी (bandāgobī)
Urdu: گوبھی (gobhi)
Tamil: முட்டைக்கீரை (muṭṭaikkīrai)
Telugu: క్యాబేజీ (kyābējī)
Arabic: ملفوف (malfūf)
Chinese: 卷心菜 (juǎnxīncài)
Japanese: キャベツ (kyabetsu)
Russian: капуста (kapusta)

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