
Cabs Meaning in Bengali: ক্যাবস, ট্যাক্সি, গাড়ি (noun, /kæbz/)

Definition of Cabs

(noun) Cabs refer to a type of vehicle that is used for transportation, typically available for hire with a driver. They are commonly known as taxis or cars.

Synonyms of Cabs

1. Taxis – ট্যাক্সি (noun)
2. Cars – গাড়ি (noun)

Antonyms of Cabs

1. Pedestrian – পথচারী (noun)
2. Walker – হেঁটেচলা (noun)

Origin of Cabs

The term “cabs” originated from the word “cabriolet,” which was a type of horse-drawn carriage in the 18th century. It later evolved to refer to motorized vehicles used for transportation.

Nearby Words

1. Cabby – ট্যাক্সি চালক (noun)
2. Cabman – ট্যাক্সি চালক (noun)
3. Cabstand – ট্যাক্সি থামানোর স্থান (noun)

Cabs in Literature Quotes

1. “The streets were full of cabs and people hurrying to and fro.” – Charles Dickens (সড়কগুলি ট্যাক্সি ও মানুষের দ্রুত চলাচলে ভরা ছিল।)
2. “I took a cab to reach my destination quickly.” – Jane Austen (আমি দ্রুত গন্তব্যে পৌঁছতে ট্যাক্সি নিয়ে গেলাম।)

Cabs Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ক্যাবস
Hindi: टैक्सी
Nepali: ट्याक्सी
Urdu: ٹیکسی
Tamil: டாக்சி
Telugu: టాక్సీ
Arabic: سيارة أجرة
Chinese: 出租车
Japanese: タクシー
Russian: такси

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