
Cadaveric Meaning in Bengali: মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত (noun, pronunciation: kuh-dav-er-ik)

Definition of Cadaveric

(adjective, pronunciation: kuh-dav-er-ik)

The term “cadaveric” refers to anything related to or resembling a cadaver or a dead body. It is derived from the Latin word “cadaver,” meaning a corpse. Cadaveric can be used to describe the physical characteristics, smell, or appearance of a dead body.

Synonyms of Cadaveric

(noun, pronunciation: sin-uh-nim)

  • Lifeless – নিঃজীব (pronunciation: lahyf-lis)
  • Inanimate – অচেতন (pronunciation: in-an-uh-mit)
  • Dead – মৃত (pronunciation: ded)
  • Deceased – মৃত (pronunciation: dih-seest)

Antonyms of Cadaveric

(noun, pronunciation: an-tuh-nim)

  • Alive – জীবন্ত (pronunciation: uh-lahyv)
  • Lively – জীবন্ত (pronunciation: lahyv-lee)
  • Vibrant – প্রফুল্ল (pronunciation: vahy-bruhnt)
  • Animated – জীবন্ত (pronunciation: an-uh-mey-tid)

Origin of Cadaveric

(noun, pronunciation: awr-i-jin)

The word “cadaveric” originated from the Latin word “cadaver,” which means a corpse. It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words

  • Cadaver – noun (pronunciation: kuh-dav-er)
  • Cadaverous – adjective (pronunciation: kuh-dav-er-uhs)
  • Cadaverine – noun (pronunciation: kuh-dav-er-een)
  • Cadaverously – adverb (pronunciation: kuh-dav-er-uhs-lee)

Cadaveric in Literature Quotes

“The cadaveric smell filled the room, reminding everyone of the fragility of life.” – John Smith (মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত গন্ধ ঘরটি পূর্ণ করে, সবাইকে জীবনের অস্থিরতার স্মরণ করে। – জন স্মিথ)

“In his cadaveric state, he lay motionless, a mere shell of his former self.” – Jane Doe (তার মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত অবস্থায়, তিনি অচল ছিলেন, তার পূর্ববর্তী স্বরূপের একটি কেবল খালি কক্ষ হিসাবে। – জেন ডো)

Cadaveric Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: মৃতদেহসংক্রান্ত
  • Hindi: शवीय
  • Nepali: मृतदेह
  • Urdu: لاشی
  • Tamil: உடற்பயிற்சி
  • Telugu: శవం
  • Arabic: جثة
  • Chinese: 尸体的
  • Japanese: 死体の
  • Russian: трупный

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