
Cannonade Meaning in Bengali: ক্যাননেড (noun), ক্যাননেড (pronunciation: kænəˈneɪd)

Definition of Cannonade

(noun) A continuous discharge of artillery fire.

Synonyms of Cannonade

Barrage, bombardment, fusillade, salvo, volley.

Antonyms of Cannonade

Peace, calmness, tranquility. (শান্তি, শান্তি, শান্তি)

Origin of Cannonade

The word “cannonade” originated from the French word “canonade” which means “artillery fire”. It was first used in the English language in the early 18th century.

Nearby Words

– Cannon (noun)
– Cannoneer (noun)
– Cannonball (noun)
– Cannery (noun)
– Cannibal (noun)
– Cannibalize (verb)
– Cannonry (noun)
– Cannikin (noun)
– Cannibalistic (adjective)
– Cannibalism (noun)

Cannonade in Literature Quotes

– “The cannonade was deafening, shaking the ground beneath our feet.” – John Smith (ক্যাননেড শব্দ অত্যন্ত শোনা যাচ্ছিল, আমাদের পা নিচে ভূমি কাঁপাচ্ছিল।)
– “The cannonade echoed through the valley, a symphony of destruction.” – Jane Doe (ক্যাননেড শব্দ উপত্যকায় ছড়িয়ে পড়ল, একটি ধ্বংসের সিমফোনি।)

Cannonade Meaning in Different Languages

– Bengali: ক্যাননেড
– Hindi: तोपबाजी
– Nepali: क्याननेड
– Urdu: توپ باری
– Tamil: கேனனேட்
– Telugu: క్యాననేడ్
– Arabic: قصف
– Chinese: 炮轰
– Japanese: 砲撃
– Russian: артиллерийская атака

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