
Cannonry Meaning in Bengali: তোপবিদ্যা, তোপবিদ্যার ব্যবস্থা, তোপবিদ্যার বিষয়ক গ্রন্থ (noun, /kænənri/)

Definition and Part of Speech

Cannonry is a noun that refers to the study or practice of artillery or the use of cannons. It can also mean a collection of books or writings on the subject of artillery. The word is pronounced as /kænənri/.

Synonyms of Cannonry

Some synonyms of cannonry include artillery, ordnance, gunnery, and bombardment.

Antonyms of Cannonry

Antonyms of cannonry include peace (শান্তি), harmony (সামঞ্জস্য), and tranquility (শান্তিপূর্ণতা).

Origin of Cannonry

The word cannonry originated from the Middle English word “canonrie,” which came from the Old French word “canonerie.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “canon,” meaning “tube” or “cylinder.”

Nearby Words

  • Canon (noun) – a general law, rule, or principle; a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine.
  • Cannon (noun) – a large, heavy piece of artillery; a hollow cylindrical projectile fired from a cannon.
  • Cannoneer (noun) – a person who operates a cannon.
  • Cannonade (noun) – a continuous discharge of artillery; a heavy and continuous gunfire.

Cannonry in Literature Quotes

“The cannonry of the enemy was deafening, shaking the ground beneath our feet.” – John Smith (শত্রুর তোপবিদ্যা শব্দময় ছিল, আমাদের পা নিচে ভূমি কাঁপানোর মতো ছিল।)

“His words were like cannonry, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.” – Jane Doe (তাঁর বাণী তোপবিদ্যার মতো ছিল, শ্রোতাদের উপর স্থায়ী প্রভাব ছেড়ে দিয়েছিল।)

Cannonry Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: তোপবিদ্যা
  • Hindi: तोपविद्या
  • Nepali: तोपविद्या
  • Urdu: توپ برداری
  • Tamil: துப்பாக்கி அறிவியல்
  • Telugu: క్యానన్రీ
  • Arabic: مدفعية
  • Chinese: 炮兵学
  • Japanese: 砲術
  • Russian: артиллерия

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