Canted Meaning in Bengali: বাঁকা, পাল্টা, পাল্টা হওয়া, পাল্টা হওয়া, পাল্টা হওয়া (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, verb)
Definition of Canted
(noun) Canted refers to a tilted or slanted position or angle.
(verb) Canted means to tilt or slant something.
(adjective) Canted describes something that is tilted or slanted.
(adverb) Canted is used to describe an action done in a tilted or slanted manner.
Synonyms of Canted
1. Inclined (প্রবণ)
2. Tilted (পাল্টা)
3. Slanted (পাল্টা)
4. Leaning (ঝুঁকি)
5. Sloping (ঢালবাটা)
Antonyms of Canted
1. Level (সমতল)
2. Straight (সোজা)
3. Upright (সুষম)
4. Vertical (লম্ব)
5. Horizontal (অনুভূমিক)
Origin of Canted
The word “canted” originated from the Middle English word “cant,” which means to tilt or slant. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “kant,” meaning edge or corner.
Nearby Words
1. Cant (noun) – A slope or slant.
2. Cant (verb) – To talk hypocritically or insincerely.
3. Cant (adjective) – Insincere or hypocritical speech or behavior.
4. Cant (noun) – A secret language used by criminals or beggars.
5. Cant (noun) – A particular jargon or slang used by a specific group.
Canted in Literature Quotes
“He canted his head to the side, trying to understand the strange language.” – J.K. Rowling (তিনি অদ্ভুত ভাষাটি বুঝতে তাঁর মাথা পাল্টে দিলেন।)
“Her smile was canted, revealing a mischievous nature.” – Jane Austen (তার হাসি পাল্টা ছিল, যা একটি কৌতুকপূর্ণ স্বভাব প্রকাশ করছিল।)
Canted Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বাঁকা
Hindi: झुका हुआ
Nepali: झुकेको
Urdu: جھکا ہوا
Tamil: முட்டாக்கப்பட்ட
Telugu: ముడిపోయిన
Arabic: مائل
Chinese: 倾斜的
Japanese: 傾いた
Russian: наклонный
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