
Canvassers Meaning in Bengali: প্রচারক, প্রচারকদের সম্পর্কে জানা (noun, pronunciation: kan-vuh-serz)

Definition of Canvassers

Canvassers refer to individuals who engage in the act of canvassing, which involves soliciting votes, opinions, or support from the public. They often go door-to-door or approach people in public spaces to gather information or promote a particular cause, candidate, or product.

Synonyms of Canvassers

1. Solicitors (সম্পর্কে জানা বা প্রচার করা ব্যক্তি, noun)
2. Promoters (প্রচারক, noun)
3. Advocates (প্রতিষ্ঠাতা, noun)

Antonyms of Canvassers

1. Opponents (প্রতিপক্ষ, noun)
2. Detractors (নিন্দাকারী, noun)
3. Critics (সমালোচক, noun)

Origin of Canvassers

The term “canvassers” originated from the Middle English word “canvas,” which means to sift or strain. In the 16th century, it evolved to refer to the act of examining or discussing thoroughly. Over time, it gained its current meaning of soliciting or gathering support.

Nearby Words

1. Canvass (verb)
2. Canvassed (adjective)
3. Canvassing (noun)

Canvassers in Literature Quotes

1. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker (ভবিষ্যত পূর্বাভাস করার সেরা উপায় হলো তা সৃষ্টি করা।)
2. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তা যে কাজটি আপনি ভালোবাসেন।)

Canvassers Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রচারক
Hindi: प्रचारक
Nepali: प्रचारक
Urdu: پرچارک
Tamil: பரிசோதகர்கள்
Telugu: ప్రచారకులు
Arabic: المروجون
Chinese: 游说者
Japanese: キャンバッサー
Russian: агитаторы

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