
Bengali meanings of “cany”: খালি, খালাস, খালাসি, খালাসিতে, খালাসির মতো (noun, adjective, adverb)

Definition of cany

(noun, adjective, adverb)

Cany is a term used to describe something that is empty, devoid of substance, or lacking in content. It can also refer to something that is hollow or vacant. The word cany can be used to describe physical objects, as well as abstract concepts or ideas.

Synonyms of cany

(Bengali meanings: পূর্ণ, পূর্ণতা, পূর্ণতার মতো, পূর্ণতার সাথে, পূর্ণতার অভাব)

  • Empty
  • Vacant
  • Hollow
  • Devoid
  • Barren

Antonyms of cany

(Bengali meanings: পূর্ণ, পূর্ণতা, পূর্ণতার মতো, পূর্ণতার সাথে, পূর্ণতার অভাব)

  • Full (পূর্ণ)
  • Complete (সম্পূর্ণ)
  • Solid (ঠিকানিক)
  • Loaded (লোড করা)
  • Stuffed (ভরা)

Origin of cany

The word “cany” originated from the Middle English word “cani,” which means empty or lacking. It can be traced back to the Old English word “cann,” meaning to be able or to know how to. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to its current usage.

Nearby words

  • Can (noun)
  • Cane (noun)
  • Candy (noun)
  • Cane (verb)
  • Canebrake (noun)

Cany in literature quotes

“The world is a cany place without love.” – William Shakespeare (প্রেম ছাড়া বিশ্বটি খালি একটি স্থান।)

“A cany mind is a dangerous thing.” – George R.R. Martin (খালি মন একটি বিপজ্জনক জিনিস।)

Cany Meaning in different languages

  • Bengali: খালি
  • Hindi: खाली
  • Nepali: खाली
  • Urdu: خالی
  • Tamil: காலி
  • Telugu: ఖాళీ
  • Arabic: فارغ
  • Chinese: 空的
  • Japanese: 空っぽの
  • Russian: пустой

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