Cankers Meaning in Bengali
ক্যাঙ্কারস, ক্যাঙ্কারসেস (noun, pronunciation: kæŋkərz, kæŋkərsɪz)
Definition of Cankers
Cankers refer to ulcers or sores that develop on the surface of plants, particularly on the stems, branches, or trunks. These cankers are often caused by fungal or bacterial infections and can lead to the death or decline of the affected plant.
Synonyms of Cankers
1. Ulcers (অল্সার, noun)
2. Lesions (ক্ষত, noun)
3. Sores (ছালা, noun)
4. Wounds (আঘাত, noun)
Antonyms of Cankers
1. Healing (আরোগ্যপ্রাপ্তি, noun)
2. Recovery (পুনরুদ্ধার, noun)
3. Restoration (পুনরুদ্ধার, noun)
4. Cure (চিকিৎসা, noun)
Origin of Cankers
The word “cankers” originated from the Old English word “cancer,” which means “ulcer” or “sore.” It can be traced back to the Latin word “cancer,” which also means “crab” and was used to describe ulcers due to their crab-like appearance.
Nearby Words
1. Cankerous (adjective)
2. Cankerworm (noun)
3. Cankerweed (noun)
4. Cankerousness (noun)
Cankers in Literature Quotes
1. “The cankers of a calm world and a long peace.” – William Shakespeare (একটি শান্ত বিশ্ব এবং দীর্ঘ শান্তির ক্যাঙ্কারস।)
2. “The canker gnawing at the heart of the nation.” – George Orwell (জাতির হৃদয়ে খাদ্যক্ষত করা ক্যাঙ্কারস।)
Cankers Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: ক্যাঙ্কারস
Hindi: कैंकर्स
Nepali: क्याङ्कर्स
Urdu: کینکرز
Tamil: கேங்கர்ஸ்
Telugu: కేంకర్స్
Arabic: قرحة
Chinese: 溃疡
Japanese: かさぶた
Russian: язва
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