
Captivating Meaning in Bengali: মোহনীয় (noun, mohoniyo), আকর্ষণশীল (noun, akorshonshil), আকর্ষণময় (noun, akorshonmo), মোহন (noun, mohon)


(adjective, kæp.tɪ.veɪ.tɪŋ) Captivating refers to something that is capable of attracting and holding the attention or interest of someone. It is used to describe something that is fascinating, enchanting, or enthralling.


Some synonyms of captivating are:

  • Enchanting: মোহনীয় (noun, mohoniyo)
  • Fascinating: আকর্ষণশীল (noun, akorshonshil)
  • Enticing: আকর্ষণময় (noun, akorshonmo)
  • Charming: মোহন (noun, mohon)


Some antonyms of captivating are:

  • Boring: উদাসীন (noun, udasin)
  • Repulsive: অপমানজনক (noun, opomanjonok)
  • Uninteresting: অস্বাদু (noun, osbado)
  • Dull: নিস্তেজ (noun, nistejo)


The word “captivating” originated from the verb “captivate,” which comes from the Latin word “captivare,” meaning “to take captive.” It entered the English language in the 16th century.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to captivating are:

  • Capture: (verb) আটকানো
  • Captivity: (noun) বন্দিতা
  • Captor: (noun) আটককারী
  • Captain: (noun) ক্যাপ্টেন

Captivating in Literature Quotes:

“Her smile was captivating, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.” – John Smith (তার হাসি মোহনীয় ছিল, মেঘমণ্ডলে সূর্যের আলোর মতো।)

“The captivating beauty of the sunset left him speechless.” – Jane Doe (সূর্যাস্তের মোহনীয় সৌন্দর্য তাকে মুখতোলা করে দিল।)

Captivating Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: মোহনীয়, Hindi: मोहक, Nepali: मोहनीय, Urdu: موہک, Tamil: மோகமான, Telugu: మోహనంగా, Arabic: ساحر, Chinese: 迷人, Japanese: 魅力的, Russian: очаровательный

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