
Carbohydrate Meaning in Bengali: কার্বোহাইড্রেট, শর্করা, শর্করা যুক্ত খাদ্যপদার্থ (noun, kārbōhāidrēṭa, śarkarā, śarkarā yukta khādya-padārtha)

Definition and Part of Speech

Carbohydrate (noun, /kɑːrboʊˈhaɪdreɪt/) is a biological molecule consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. It is a type of organic compound that serves as a primary source of energy for living organisms.

Synonyms of Carbohydrate

1. Sugar (noun, চিনি, chini)
2. Starch (noun, আঁচার, ānchāra)
3. Glucose (noun, গ্লুকোজ, glukōja)
4. Saccharide (noun, শর্করা যুক্ত খাদ্যপদার্থ, śarkarā yukta khādya-padārtha)

Antonyms of Carbohydrate

1. Protein (noun, প্রোটিন, prōṭina)
2. Fat (noun, চর্বি, carbi)

Origin of Carbohydrate

The term “carbohydrate” originated from the French word “carbone” meaning carbon and the word “hydrate” referring to water. It was first used in the early 19th century to describe compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the same ratio as water.

Nearby Words

1. Carbohydrate (noun)
2. Carbohydrate-rich (adjective)
3. Carbohydrate metabolism (noun)
4. Carbohydrate loading (noun)

Carbohydrate in Literature Quotes

1. “Life is a carbohydrate, and the bakery is open.” – Jerry Seinfeld (জীবনটি একটি শর্করা এবং বেকারি খোলা আছে।)
2. “The road to success is paved with carbohydrates.” – John Thune (সাফল্যের পথটি শর্করা দিয়ে মোড়ানো আছে।)

Carbohydrate Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কার্বোহাইড্রেট
Hindi: कार्बोहाइड्रेट
Nepali: कार्बोहाइड्रेट
Urdu: کاربوہائیڈریٹ
Tamil: கார்போஹைட்ரேட்
Telugu: కార్బోహైడ్రేట్
Arabic: كربوهيدرات
Chinese: 碳水化合物
Japanese: 炭水化物
Russian: углевод

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