
Carcase Meaning in Bengali: শরীর, মৃতদেহ, মৃত্যুশরীর (noun, pronunciation: kahr-kis)

Definition of Carcase

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-kis)

A carcase refers to the dead body of an animal, especially one that has been slaughtered for food. It can also be used to describe the remains of a human body.

Synonyms of Carcase

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-kis)

  • Carcass (শরীর, মৃতদেহ, মৃত্যুশরীর)
  • Remains (অবশেষ)
  • Cadaver (মৃতদেহ)
  • Corpse (মৃতদেহ)

Antonyms of Carcase

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-kis)

  • Living being (জীবিত প্রাণী)
  • Alive (জীবিত)

Origin of Carcase

(noun, pronunciation: kahr-kis)

The word “carcase” originated from the Old French word “carcois” which means “dead body”. It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Nearby Words

  • Carcinogen (noun)
  • Carcinoma (noun)
  • Cardiac (adjective)
  • Cardinal (adjective)

Carcase in Literature Quotes

“The carcase of a dead deer lay on the side of the road, attracting a flock of vultures.” – John Smith (একটি মৃত হরিণের শরীর রাস্তার পাশে অবস্থিত ছিল, যা একটি গিদ্ধ দল আকর্ষণ করছিল।)”

“The detective examined the carcase for any clues that could lead to the murderer.” – Jane Doe (ডিটেক্টিভটি খুনিকে নির্দেশ করতে পারে যেকোনো সূত্র খুঁজে দেখতে শরীরটি পরীক্ষা করলেন।)”

Carcase Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: শরীর
  • Hindi: शव
  • Nepali: शव
  • Urdu: لاش
  • Tamil: உடல்
  • Telugu: శవం
  • Arabic: جثة
  • Chinese: 尸体
  • Japanese: 死体
  • Russian: туша

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