
Carouses Meaning in Bengali: পান করা, মদ্যপান করা, মদ্যপান (verb, /kəˈraʊz/)

Definition of Carouses

(verb, /kəˈraʊz/)

Carouses refer to the act of drinking alcohol and enjoying oneself with others in a noisy, lively, and often boisterous manner. It involves indulging in excessive drinking, often accompanied by merrymaking and revelry.

Synonyms of Carouses

(Bengali: পান করা, মদ্যপান করা)

  • Revel
  • Binge
  • Booze
  • Imbibe
  • Tipple

Antonyms of Carouses

(Bengali: বিনোদন করা, মজা করা)

  • Abstain (বিরত থাকা)
  • Refrain (বিরত থাকা)
  • Sobriety (প্রশান্তি)
  • Temperance (প্রশান্তি)
  • Sobriety (প্রশান্তি)

Origin of Carouses

The word “carouses” originated from the Middle English word “carousen,” which means to drink deeply and loudly. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “kara,” meaning to make a toast or drink copiously. The term gained popularity in the 16th century and has since been used to describe festive drinking and revelry.

Nearby Words

  • Carousal (noun)
  • Carouser (noun)
  • Carousingly (adverb)
  • Caroused (verb)
  • Carousers (noun)

Carouses in Literature Quotes

“He caroused with his friends until the early hours of the morning.” – William Shakespeare (সে তার বন্ধুদের সঙ্গে সকালের প্রাথমিক ঘড়িতে পর্যন্ত মদ্যপান করলেন।)

“They caroused all night, celebrating their victory.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (তারা তাদের বিজয় উদযাপন করে পুরো রাত মদ্যপান করলেন।)

Carouses Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: পান করা
  • Hindi: पीना
  • Nepali: पिउनु
  • Urdu: پینا
  • Tamil: குடித்தல்
  • Telugu: కుడితలు
  • Arabic: الشرب
  • Chinese: 痛饮
  • Japanese: 飲み騒ぎ
  • Russian: пировать
