
Cashmere Meaning in Bengali: কাশ্মীর, কাশ্মীর পশম, কাশ্মীর স্বল্পতা (noun, kashmir, kashmir poshmo, kashmir sholpota)

Definition and Pronunciation

Cashmere (noun, /kæʃˈmɪər/) refers to a fine, soft wool that is obtained from the undercoat of the Kashmir goat. It is known for its luxurious feel and warmth.

Synonyms of Cashmere

1. Wool (noun, ঊন, un)

2. Fleece (noun, মেষশৃঙ্গ, meshshhring)

3. Fur (noun, চর্ম, charm)

4. Pashmina (noun, পাশমিনা, pashmina)

Antonyms of Cashmere

1. Synthetic (noun, সিন্থেটিক, synthetic)

2. Acrylic (noun, এক্রিলিক, acrylic)

3. Polyester (noun, পলিস্টার, polyester)

4. Nylon (noun, নাইলন, nylon)

Origin of Cashmere

The word “cashmere” originated from the old spelling of Kashmir, a region located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. The Kashmir goat, also known as the Pashmina goat, is native to this region and produces the fine wool known as cashmere.

Nearby Words

1. Goat (noun, ছাগল, chhagol)

2. Woolen (adjective, ঊনী, unee)

3. Shawl (noun, শাল, shal)

4. Sweater (noun, সোয়েটার, sweater)

Cashmere in Literature Quotes

1. “Cashmere is the epitome of luxury and comfort.” – John Smith (কাশ্মীরটি স্বর্ণময় এবং সুখের প্রতীক। – জন স্মিথ)

2. “Her cashmere shawl wrapped around her shoulders, making her look elegant and regal.” – Jane Doe (তার কাশ্মীর শাল তার কান্ধে আবৃত করে, তাকে সুন্দর এবং রাজপদ করে। – জেন ডো)

Cashmere Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: কাশ্মীর

Hindi: कश्मीर

Nepali: कश्मीर

Urdu: کشمیر

Tamil: காஷ்மீர்

Telugu: కాష్మీర్

Arabic: كشمير

Chinese: 开司米尔

Japanese: カシミール

Russian: Кашмир

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