Colonists meaning in Bengali: উদ্ভিদসমূহ (noun, pronunciation: /kɒlənɪsts/)
Definition and Synonyms
Colonists refer to a group of people who settle in a new territory or country and establish control over it. They often migrate from their homeland to explore and exploit new resources or establish colonies for various purposes.
Synonyms for colonists include settlers, pioneers, immigrants, migrants, and inhabitants. For more information on the meaning of these synonyms in Bengali, you can visit the following links:
- Settlers meaning in Bengali
- Pioneers meaning in Bengali
- Immigrants meaning in Bengali
- Migrants meaning in Bengali
- Inhabitants meaning in Bengali
Antonyms of colonists in Bengali include নিবাসী (residents) and নাগরিক (citizens).
Origin and Nearby Words
The term “colonists” originated from the Latin word “colonus,” meaning “settler” or “farmer.” Nearby words related to colonists include colonization, colonial, colonize, colony, and colonialism.
Colonists in Literature Quotes
“The colonists, who had left their homeland in search of a better life, faced numerous challenges in the new world.” – John Smith (যাত্রাপথে নতুন জীবনের আশায় তাদের প্রতিষ্ঠান করার জন্য তাদের স্বদেশ ছেড়ে যাওয়া উদ্ভিদসমূহ নতুন বিশ্বে অনেক চ্যালেঞ্জ মুখোমুখি হয়েছিলেন।)
Colonists Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: উদ্ভিদসমূহ, Hindi: उपनिवासी, Nepali: उपनिवासी, Urdu: کالونیوں, Tamil: குடியிருப்பவர்கள், Telugu: కాలనీలు, Arabic: المستوطنين, Chinese: 殖民者, Japanese: 入植者, Russian: колонисты
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