
Color-Blindness Meaning in Bengali (বাংলা অর্থ): রঙ্বিহীনতা, রঙ্বিহীনতার অবস্থা, রঙ্বিহীনতার সমস্যা (noun, /kʌlər-blaɪndnəs/)

Color-blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is a condition in which a person is unable to perceive certain colors or distinguish between them. It is a genetic disorder that affects the cones in the retina of the eye, which are responsible for detecting different colors. People with color-blindness may have difficulty distinguishing between red and green or blue and yellow, or they may see a limited range of colors.

Synonyms for color-blindness include achromatopsia, daltonism, and color deficiency. Achromatopsia (অচ্রোমাটপসিয়া) refers to the complete absence of color vision, while daltonism (ডলটনিজম) is named after the English chemist John Dalton, who was one of the first scientists to study color-blindness. Color deficiency (রঙ্বিহীনতা) is a general term used to describe any form of color vision impairment.

For more information on achromatopsia meaning in Bengali, visit
For more information on daltonism meaning in Bengali, visit
For more information on color deficiency meaning in Bengali, visit

Antonyms of color-blindness include normal vision (স্বাভাবিক দৃষ্টি) and full color vision (পূর্ণ রঙ্গ দৃষ্টি). People with normal vision can perceive and distinguish colors accurately, while those with full color vision have no difficulty in seeing the entire spectrum of colors.

The origin of color-blindness can be traced back to genetic mutations that affect the genes responsible for color vision. It is a hereditary condition that can be passed down from parents to their children.

Nearby words related to color-blindness include color, blindness, vision, deficiency, and impairment. These words can be used to describe various aspects of color-blindness and its effects on an individual’s perception of colors.

Color-blindness in literature quotes:

1. “The true color of life is the color of the body, the color of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses.” – Alice Meynell (জীবনের সত্য রঙ হল শরীরের রঙ, লালের আচ্ছাদিত রঙ, জীবিত হৃদয় এবং নাড়ির নিহিত এবং প্রকাশ্য লালের রঙ)

2. “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” – Pablo Picasso (রঙগুলি, সুবিধাগুলির মতো, ভাবনাগুলির পরিবর্তন অনুসরণ করে)

Color-blindness Meaning in different languages:
– Bengali: রঙ্বিহীনতা
– Hindi: रंग अंधता
– Nepali: रङ अन्धता
– Urdu: رنگ اندھاپن
– Tamil: நிறத்தை மட்டும் பார்க்க முடியாதது
– Telugu: రంగు అంధత్వం
– Arabic: عمى الألوان
– Chinese: 色盲
– Japanese: 色盲
– Russian: дальтонизм

To see more color-blindness meaning in Bengali, visit

You may also like color-blindness meaning in Nepali. For more information, visit

Additionally, you can find the meaning of color-blindness in Urdu at

To know the meaning of color-blindness in Telugu, visit

For the meaning of color-blindness in Tamil, visit

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