Comfits এর বাংলা অর্থ হলো মিষ্টি বলি, মিষ্টি গোলা, মিষ্টি বলি, মিষ্টি গোলা (noun, /ˈkɒm.fɪt/)
Definition and Synonyms
Comfits, a noun, refers to a type of candy or sweetmeat made by coating nuts, seeds, or fruit with sugar. It is pronounced as /ˈkɒm.fɪt/. Synonyms for comfits include confetti, dragee, and sweetmeats. For more information on the meaning of these synonyms in Bengali, click on the links below:
Antonyms of comfits in Bengali include কঠিন খাবার (hard food) and কঠিন খাদ্য (hard diet).
Origin and Nearby Words
The word “comfits” originated from the Middle English word “confyt” which means “candy.” Nearby words related to comfits include confectionery (noun), candy (noun), and sweet (noun).
Comfits in Literature Quotes
Here are some quotes about comfits with their Bengali meanings:
“She had a sweet tooth for meringue and comfits.” – Oscar Wilde (তিনি মেরিং এবং মিষ্টি গোলা খেতে খুব ভালোবাসেন।)
“The comfits were eaten up long before the end of the play.” – Jane Austen (প্রদর্শনীর শেষের আগেই মিষ্টি গোলা শেষ হয়ে যায়।)
Comfits Meaning in Different Languages
Here are the meanings of comfits in different languages:
- Bengali: মিষ্টি বলি
- Hindi: मिठाई गोले
- Nepali: मिठाई गोले
- Urdu: مٹھائی گولے
- Tamil: மிதாய் கோலங்கள்
- Telugu: పిండికలు
- Arabic: حلوى مغلفة
- Chinese: 糖果
- Japanese: キャンディ
- Russian: конфеты
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