Allover Meaning in Bengali
Bengali Meaning: সমগ্রভাবে (samagrabhabē)
Part of Speech
Part of Speech: Adverb
Pronunciation: awl-oh-ver
Short Definition of Allover
Definition: Allover refers to something that is present or occurs everywhere or throughout a particular area.
Allover Synonyms
Synonyms: everywhere, throughout, all over, overall, universally
Allover Antonyms
Antonyms: nowhere (কোথাও না), none (কোনটিই না)
Origin of Allover
Origin: The term “allover” originated in the late 19th century, combining the words “all” and “over.”
Nearby Words
Nearby Words: all, allay, allegation, alley, allocate
Allover in Literature Quotes
Quote 1: “The beauty of the sunset was allover the sky.” (সূর্যাস্তের সৌন্দর্য আকাশে সমগ্রভাবে ছিল।)
Quote 2: “Her smile was allover her face.” (তার হাসি তার মুখে সমগ্রভাবে ছিল।)
Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: সমগ্রভাবে (samagrabhabē)
Hindi: सब जगह (sab jagah)
Nepali: सबै जगह (sabai jagah)
Urdu: ہر جگہ (har jagah)
Tamil: முழுமையான (muḻumaiyāṉ)
Telugu: అన్ని పరిస్థితులలో (anni parishtitulalō)
Arabic: في كل مكان (fi kul makan)
Chinese: 到处 (dàochù)
Japanese: あらゆる場所で (arayuru basho de)
Russian: повсюду (povsyudu)
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