
Almond-shaped Meaning in Bengali

Bengali Meaning: বাদামের আকৃতি (baḍāmer ākṛti)

Part of Speech

Part of Speech: Adjective


Pronunciation: /ˈɑːmənd-ʃeɪpt/

Short Definition of Almond-shaped

Short Definition: Almond-shaped refers to something that has the shape or resemblance of an almond.

Almond-shaped Synonyms

Synonyms: Oval, Elliptical, Ovoid, Egg-shaped

Almond-shaped Antonyms

Antonyms: Round (গোল), Circular (বৃত্তাকার)

Origin of Almond-shaped

The term “almond-shaped” originated from the resemblance of the shape to that of an almond. The almond tree is native to the Middle East and South Asia, and its seeds, known as almonds, have been cultivated and consumed for thousands of years.

Nearby Words

Nearby Words:

  • Almond (Noun)
  • Almoner (Noun)
  • Almost (Adverb)
  • Alms (Noun)
  • Almsgiving (Noun)

Almond-shaped in Literature Quotes

Quote 1: “Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled with joy.” (তার বাদামের আকৃতির চোখ আনন্দে জ্বলিত হলো।)

Quote 2: “He had a face with almond-shaped eyes, giving him an exotic look.” (তিনার বাদামের আকৃতির চোখ ছিল, যা তাকে একটি অদ্ভুত রূপ দিতে সাহায্য করলো।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বাদামের আকৃতি

Hindi: बादाम की आकृति

Nepali: खजूरको आकार

Urdu: بادام کی شکل

Tamil: பாதாம் வடிவம்

Telugu: బాదం ఆకారం

Arabic: شكل اللوز

Chinese: 杏形

Japanese: アーモンド形

Russian: Миндалевидная форма

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