
Almsfolk Meaning in Bengali

Bengali Meaning: দানকারী লোক (danakari lok)

Part of Speech

Part of Speech: Noun


Pronunciation: awlmz-fohk

Short Definition of Almsfolk

Definition: Almsfolk refers to people who depend on or receive alms or charitable donations.

Almsfolk Synonyms

Synonyms: beggars, mendicants, paupers, indigents, vagrants


Antonyms: benefactors, donors, philanthropists

Bengali Meaning of Antonyms:

  • উদারকর্মী (udarkarmi) – benefactors
  • দাতা (data) – donors
  • প্রবীণ মানবিক (probhin manobik) – philanthropists

Origin of Almsfolk

The word “almsfolk” originated from the combination of “alms” and “folk.” “Alms” comes from the Old English word “ælmesse,” meaning “charity,” while “folk” refers to “people.” The term was first recorded in the late 19th century.

Nearby Words

Nearby Words:

  • Almsgiver (Noun)
  • Almsgiving (Noun)
  • Almsman (Noun)
  • Almswoman (Noun)

Almsfolk in Literature Quotes

“The streets were filled with almsfolk, their outstretched hands pleading for help.” – রাসেল আহমেদ (Rasel Ahmed)

Bengali Meaning: “সড়কগুলি দানকারী লোকের দ্বারা ভরা ছিল, তাদের বিস্তৃত হাত সাহায্যের জন্য অনুরোধ করছিল।”

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: দানকারী লোক (danakari lok)

Hindi: दानकर्ता लोग (daankarta log)

Nepali: दानकर्मी लोक (daankarmi lok)

Urdu: دانشور لوگ (daanishwar log)

Tamil: தானம் செய்பவர்கள் (thaanam seybararkal)

Telugu: దానం చేసే వారు (daanam cheyse vaaru)

Arabic: الصدقة الناس (alsadaqat alnas)

Chinese: 行善者 (xíng shàn zhě)

Japanese: 施し人々 (sashi hitobito)

Russian: милостыня (milostyna)

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Almsfolk. You can also find the definition of almsfolk on and The Free Dictionary.