
Aloes Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “aloes” can be translated as এলোস (elos).

Part of Speech

The part of speech for “aloes” is a noun.


The pronunciation of “aloes” is /ˈæloʊz/.

Short Definition of Aloes

Aloes refers to a bitter yellow substance derived from certain plants, especially the aloe, used in medicine and cosmetics.

Aloes Synonyms

Some synonyms for “aloes” include:

  • Aloe vera (এলোভেরা)
  • Aloe barbadensis (এলো বার্বাডেনসিস)
  • Aloe ferox (এলো ফেরক্স)

Aloes Antonyms

There are no specific antonyms for “aloes” in English. However, in Bengali, the antonyms can be translated as:

  • অএলোস (aoelos) – Not aloes
  • অলোভেরা (alobhera) – Not aloe vera
  • অলো বার্বাডেনসিস (alo barbadensis) – Not aloe barbadensis

Origin of Aloes

The word “aloes” originated from the Latin word “aloe,” which came from the Greek word “aloē.” It has been used in English since the 14th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “aloes” include:

  • Aloeswood (noun)
  • Aloetic (adjective)
  • Aloesol (noun)

Aloes in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes mentioning “aloes” in literature:

  • “The scent of aloes filled the air, mingling with the fragrance of jasmine.” (এলোসের গন্ধ বাতাসে ছড়িয়ে গেল, যশমিনের সুগন্ধের সঙ্গে মিশেল।)
  • “She applied aloe vera gel on her sunburned skin.” (তিনি তার সূর্যপ্রকাশিত ত্বকে এলো ভেরা জেল প্রয়োগ করলেন।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the translation of “aloes” in different languages:

  • Bengali: এলোস (elos)
  • Hindi: एलोएस (eloes)
  • Nepali: एलोएस (eloes)
  • Urdu: الوئس (aloes)
  • Tamil: அலோஸ் (alos)
  • Telugu: అలోస్ (alos)
  • Arabic: الألوس (aloes)
  • Chinese: 芦荟 (lú huì)
  • Japanese: アロエス (aroesu)
  • Russian: алоэс (aloes)

For more information about “aloes,” you can visit the following sources: