
Bicker Meaning in Bengali: ঝগড়া, কলহ, বিতর্ক, বিবাদ, বিতর্ক, বিতর্ক করা (noun, verb, bick-er)

Definition of Bicker

(noun, verb, bick-er)

Bicker is a verb that means to argue or quarrel about petty matters. It can also refer to the sound of a rapid, repetitive series of sharp, high-pitched sounds, such as the noise made by a small stream or a group of people arguing.

Synonyms of Bicker

(noun, verb, bick-er)

Some synonyms of bicker include argue, quarrel, squabble, dispute, wrangle, and clash.

Antonyms of Bicker

(noun, verb, bick-er)

Antonyms of bicker include agree, reconcile, make peace, harmonize, and cooperate.

Origin of Bicker

(noun, verb, bick-er)

The word “bicker” originated from the Middle English word “bikeren,” which means to skirmish or fight. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “bikkja,” which means to bark or snarl.

Nearby Words

(noun, verb, bick-er)

Some nearby words related to bicker include bickering, bickerer, bickeringly, bickerings, bickers, bickies, bickie, and bick.

Bicker in Literature Quotes

(noun, verb, bick-er)

“They bickered like an old married couple.” – John Green, The Fault in Our Stars (তারা একজন পুরাতন বিবাদিত স্বামী-স্ত্রীর মত ঝগড়া করতে থাকতেন।)

“The children bickered over who would get the last piece of cake.” – Roald Dahl, Matilda (শিশুরা একটি কেকের শেষ টুকরোটি কে পাবে সে উপর ঝগড়া করতে থাকলেন।)

Bicker Meaning in Different Languages

(Bengali: ঝগড়া, Hindi: झगड़ा, Nepali: झगडा, Urdu: جھگڑا, Tamil: பேச்சு, Telugu: పిలుపు, Arabic: نزاع, Chinese: 争吵, Japanese: 口論, Russian: ссора)

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